So far it’s been a busy business day down here at the SotM10 venue. All people attending have had the opportunity to hear great talks and news, and to have a refreshing break to chat up other people attending.
ESRI as bronze sponsor
ESRI in one of the major Geographic Information Systems vendors for Desktop, Server GIS, Mobile, Web and now Cloud. ESRI is well-known among most GIS professionals. Earlier this year, ESRI surprised the OpenStreetMap community with OSM support in some of their products, including the recently launched
Contribute your Data and Share, Discover and Leverage other Worldwide Maps
and Apps in the Geospatial Community Cloud, hosted by ESRI at
CENATIC new silver sponsor
We are pleased to welcome CENATIC (the National Reference Centre of applied open-source IT) as a silver sponsor to the State of the Map.
CENATIC is the Spanish Government’s strategic project to empower the use of open-source software and knowledge in all facets of society. The foundation is commited to position itself as the national centre for excellence, with international projection.
CENATIC es el proyecto estratégico del Gobierno de España para impulsar el conocimiento y uso del software de fuentes abiertas en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad. La vocación de la fundación es posicionarse como centro de excelencia nacional, con proyección internacional.
IGN sponsors SotM10
The Instituto Geográfico Nacional is also a sponsor of the State of the Map 2010.
The IGN is the main Spanish national mapping agency, within the Ministry of Public Works, responsible for the official topographic maps, orthophotography, historical cartography, and the often overlooked tasks of geodesy and seismography.
More important, though, is the fact that the IGN is in charge of the INSPIRE initiative in Spain. Leading by example, the IGN has been one of the first European agencies to publish geodata through the use of Spatial Data Infrastructures and OGC-compliant services like WMS and WFS. The Spanish Spatial Data Infrastructure web portal is a fine example of how to publish sets of geodata in such a way that professional GIS software can use it seamlessly, and nowadays holds hundreds of servers and thousands of data layers. The IGN also encourages and facilitates other Spanish sub-national mapping agencies to publish their geodata within a spatial data infrastructure framework.
Having the IGN as a State of the Map sponsor is a wonderful opportunity for mapping agencies to learn how to publish geodata; for OpenStreetMappers, to know the requirements and wishes of mapping agencies; for companies, to see the breadth of datasets and geospatial services (both OpenStreetMap- and mapping agency-based) they can build their applications upon.
OpenStreetMap and Mapping Agencies may come from different worlds, but share one important goal: we both wish to make the most out of geodata. By coming to the State of the Map, you will learn just that.